Sunday, July 1, 2018

July 1 - A Day at the Beach

So what do Mainers do when July temperatures soar into the sweltering high 70s?
Head for the beach, of course!

One Mile Beach at Reid State Park on Georgetown Island

Fresh off our busted outing to Rockland, Rockport and Camden we were a bit nervous about heading out into "tourist land" where asphalt highways become parking lots. But hey, as they say around here:

So...this day of driving Miss Lizzy found us destined for Georgetown Island. In case you didn't know...that's the same general direction in which we headed the last time. The big difference is that our cutoff toward the Atlantic comes "before" Wiscasset and Red's Eats. As expected, the freeways were packed, but traffic was flowing along nicely. And then...and then...we came to within 1/4 mile of our destination, Reid State Park. HALT, STOP, ALTO, no movey no morey. But...we persevered...and fortunately, the traffic inched along at .5 mph putting us into the park in a mere 30 minutes. Take that, Maine!!

I must say it was no surprise why so many Mainers chose this out-of-the-way destination. Here's a couple of first glimpses...

Looking out over One Mile Beach form Half Mile Beach (gotta love pragmatic naming convention)

Looking out to sea...

Lone fisherman

Rocks and surf

At our age you gotta keep movin' in order to keep movin' so we decide to move along the beach. Just past the madding crowds we came upon a lonely gull that seemed to be hard-pressed to find a gal. What do you think? Here he is...

Lonesome gull needing a galfriend

As we passed the gull by, we chatted briefly, wished him well, and went on our way. He seemed a rather handsome fellow and appeared to be reasonably well groomed. We figgered his chances were better than average. We wandered well beyond the bulk of folks who had staked their claims as close to their cars and the beach access as possible. We sat for a spell soaking up the sun, surf and sand. After a while basking turned into burning, so we headed back. Guess what??? The lonesome gull found a gal...

Proud protector of his new beach beauty. Gull and Gal...together. You go gull!

Afterwards we tried to partake of the fare at the Five Islands Lobster Company. Unfortunately, approximately 6762 other salubrious souls sought similar satiety simultaneously. So sorry, see ya later tater.

We decided to enjoy a rather backwoods exit tour (since it was the only way out), and soon were back on Five Islands Rd and puttering along back to Rocky Hill. There were, nonetheless, several scenic moments as we headed for the highway. Here are a couple we thought picture worthy.

Sand, surf and sun...sensational

One man's neglect is another man's art. Do I hear an amen?!

We sincerely hope you enjoyed riding along. We certainly enjoyed having you!
Stay tuned...

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