Sunday, August 26, 2018

Aug 26 - Sunday Morning Jethro Jaunt

Jethro likes nothing better than an early morning call to head for the dirt and hustle up some critters shortly after daybreak. He was feeling kinda bluesy after all the too-do over the Vettes in town. But...this mornin' he was ready to rise and shine.

As is quite typical in these here parts, all kinda critters are up and about if you willin' to get out there and mingle. The alarm went off at 5:00AM and within minutes Lizzy, Jethro and yours truly were headed for the Arapaho Wildlife area nestled between the Cache Le Poudre Highway (14) and Hwy 125 just south of Walden. It's always a good idea to phone ahead and ask the Park Rangers to station some wildlife alongside the county dirt roads we plan to travel. They did an exceptional job this morning. We phone them often enough that they now know exactly where to organize the meese. But today they went overboard and coerced none other than Wile E. Coyote to come out for a photo shoot.

Wile E. is quite a handsome chap: healthy and well groomed by the park staff

He was very cooperative and followed my instructions. "Wile about a nice head shot?"

A seasoned veteran of many photo shoots, Wile E. Coyote is a good one to call next time you need to photograph a wild coyote. Just call BR 549

Now... coyotes are not the only early rises here in northern Colorado. Nosirree Bob. Here's further proof. As I mentioned, the park staff knows where we like to go to enjoy the meese. Since we're regular visitors, they're more than willing to stake out a few for Lizzy especially. This morning, Melvin and Maynard were the gentlemen selected by the staff.

Here's Maynard; he's always a trooper. Keep in mind it's nearing his bedtime.

I ask Maynard and Melvin if they'd mind backing up a bit so I could get a Thomas Mangelson vista. I call it..."Mountain Meese"

These nice little dirt and gravel roads are the reason Jethro gets so excited. He just loves the feel of gravel between his toes treads. I gotta admit, he has pretty good taste in Rocky Mountain morning roads...

Sorry there's no sound or your could hear Jethro slobbering.

Kinda makes it worthwhile getting up at the crack of dawn.

Oh...just down the road a piece we found the lady meese. They were having a quick nightcap before heading off to bed. 

Say hello to Megan, Melinda and Maggie Moose

We found a few roads we hadn't explored before and decided to break 'em in. Glad we did. Not only were they scenic, but afforded us with a few glimpses of Colorado Critters that the park staff didn't strategically place for us. Here are a couple.

Here's one of the new roads we followed...

...and here's Henry Heron

Paul the Prairie Dog says hello... do Herb and Harvey Heron

Well...we're sorry to run off and leave you, but it's nap time. I mean...afterall...we've been up and attem for hours. Have a great day and enjoy your loved ones. Say, "good day," Wile E.

"Good Day, all!"

Stay tuned...


  1. Would have liked to join you but the idea of getting Heather out of bed before noon is fantasy itself!
