Sunday, September 16, 2018

Sep 16 - Crusin' to Crawford in Technicolor

Gosh…where to start…
…I’ve already ranted about Steamboat being purchased by Aspen and I’ve joked about the craziness that is the amazing colorful change of scenery here among the Aspens, the scrub brush and other deciduous delights. So here’s how all that plays out with the crazy Burton’s.

First, were just playing our cards as they’re dealt. Neither Liz nor I knew if we’d be able to retire, and still don’t know if it was the right decision, but as Roy D. Mercer would say, “We dun dun it.” We found out quickly that road trips (even by motorcycle) were an expensive luxury if you were staying in a motel every night and paying for gas and meals each day. Thus, after we’d covered the map a time or two, we settled on a couple of places we like to stay, and then plan different routes to get there. So far, we’ve been very fortunate to find people and places that are, number one, awesome folks as landlords and friends, but number two have offered their places within our budget. Once you settle in and start living like you do at home, things get much more affordable. And...keep in mind...neither of us has ever lived outside of Texas.

So far, Lexington, Kentucky is a keeper (hopefully, four months next year) and we’ve also fallen in love with Maine and Steamboat Springs. As previously stated, Steamboat has presented a rather large challenge. It’s darn near impossible to find a place we can afford to stay for a month or more. Hey…we completely understand that most folks only rent their places for a few days or maybe a week. Believe it or not, we had some folks turn us down in Steamboat because their son clean$ their place after the guests leave. If we stayed there for six weeks, he’d have no income during that time period.  Yes!!…that’s a true story. Fortunately, others do the math and calculate that a reduced rate to a couple for six weeks means certain income and no cleaning fees during that period. Also, stays longer than 30 days (in some states) qualify as a lease; thus, no taxes necessary.

OK…why’s he telling me all this? This is all part of the challenge of finding a place in Steamboat. Most of the rentable accommodations are managed by real estate gurus, agents that don’t like to think outside the box. They get paid fees for each time they rent someone’s place and so…the more rentals the merrier. So…even if the owner is sympathetic to our cause, their handlers (agents) are not.

After many hours of due diligence, sweet Liz has explored every known possibility in Steamboat and the surrounds. Our current landlord claims she has no choice; she must increase the rent for another stay next year. Of all places, Lizzy found an awesome spot in Crawford, CO. It offers many of the things we wish we had in the Boat: space, privacy, a view from a patio, air conditioning and WIFI. Of course nothing’s ever perfect. It has no washer/dryer, no cellular service, no TV (but we haven’t watch a single show since we left Carrollton), and no Colorado, cosmopolitan vibe as does Steamboat. After the drive up the gravel road, our view is mostly gorgeous. Further, summertime temps are in the 90’s only dropping into the 60’s at night. This dilemma has horns as big as the Steamboat Rodeo bulls.

So what’s the good news!!!  The ride here from Steamboat was gorgeous as you can see from the images that follow. And…we got a text from our current landlord that she and her partner are willing to offer their place for the same time period and same price next year! Hey…mark this day on the calendar. Hopefully, we can have fun and visitor friends in The Boat again in 2019!! Keep your fingers crossed. In the meantime, enjoy the pictures. And, remember, if you see one you like, click on it and it becomes full screen.

Stay tuned for: Rim Rocker Trail, Moki Dugway, Monument Valley and Sedona, AZ

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