Saturday, September 22, 2018

Sep 19a - Monument Valley

We have traveled US 163 beside Monument Valley several times. This, however, was our first time to venture into the park, pay the fee, and take the dirt trail in and among the monuments. I am reminded of earlier proclamations regarding how easily I can become overwhelmed by too much of the same kind of scenery. This, then, is yet another example. Each massive, monumental, masterpiece is enthralling. This many all clustered together makes it almost impossible to take in. Perhaps, I'm just nuts that way. There is not one that is so different and distinct that I can recall it as I write this text; and...the visit was only three (3) days ago. I'm sure I'll be reminded as I load each image, but for now...they just run together. That's another way of saying that Monument Valley is another Grand Canyon.  By that, I mean, 2-3 times per lifetime is enough for me.

I might add that September is the new August when it comes to travel. Perhaps, it's old codgers like us that have no jobs to return to or kids to put into school, but the vacation period in the good ole US of A certainly extends into September. And, I might add, the conversion of every vehicle known to mankind into some kind of "SUV" means that no road is untraveled.

Nuff's some photographic proof that we were where we said we were.

As if it required extra drama...

...the silhouette of Monument Valley from US 163 is unmistakable!

Still unclear what natural phenomenon created this scene...rain? wind? hmmm? Cool, though!

After paying our park fee...the monumental journey begins...

...sorry, I don't know the names of these massive formations.

While each is uniquely special...

...the similarity, perhaps in size...

...begins to make each one...

...just a touch to similar to the one(s) before

Holy cow! I'm feeling like some kind of critic of nature here. Please forgive me...hey...I think they're all amazing! Here's another:

This is the Beatles': "The Long and Winding Road"

I think that may be the inspiration for the Statue of Liberty there in the middle

While we traveled from the Moki Dugway to Mexican Hat and on to Monument Valley, we continued to encounter this strange militaristic vehicle along the way. We became fascinated and began to formulate all kinds of crazy scenarios and uses for such a strange, vehicular "morphodite." After multiple observations we postulated the following:

  1. It, and we presume its occupants, are visiting here from Austria (license plate)
  2. It is a Mercedes (insignia)
  3. It must be hugely expensive (size...and it's a Mercedes)
  4. It must have cost a fortune to ship it over here (bulk)
  5. The owners must be taking one helluva road trip (would you ship this thing somewhere if you weren't?)
  6. The owners apparently don't feel we offer the kind of off-road vehicles to suit their tastes
  7. It is totally ridiculous "Overkill!"
  8. I kinda like it...

Easy, Jethro...we don't know what that is either.

East bound and down, loaded up and trucking' - we're gonna do what they say can't be done...
got a long way to go and a short time to get there, east ole Bandit run!

Next three (3) days and four (4) nights in Sedona...stay tuned!

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